Monday, August 1, 2016

Kougami x Reader Completed!

You heard right! Finally finished that story I told you I'd upload yesterday...I just didn't get around to editing it until this morning, that's all. But, First story in a few months, so we're back in business!

Also, I'm thinking about changing up the layout of the blog a bit..? Not quite sure...But, I've got some real world work to get done today, so it may be saved for another time.

Until next time!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

New Story Tomorrow

Hello, hello! New story coming out tomorrow...what anime might you ask? Why, from my favorite anime, of course. Psycho Pass! I think I'll do a few characters from this anime just 'cause (he-he, I say that). I don't have too much free time, but I'm feeling rather motivated right now, so here I am. VoilĂ !

Also, I think I will try something a bit different. :-0 I'm all for trying new things, so hey, why not? I'll go ahead and post a little "facts sheet" about me (?? whatever they are) now that I'm thinking about it and see if anyone else is similar/dissimilar to me.

Anyway, until next time...!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Any Ao no Exorcist Fans?

Whoop whoop look there's another story. Where'd it come from? I dunno, last summer maybe? Yep, an incomplete smut that I had tucked away an eternity ago, along with all of the other unfinished stories that I started last summer.

I've been doing a lot of things recently, and I've been having an amazing time. Work, internships, school, social life, non-profit orgs, theses, all sorts of crazy life stuff, and I'm so very happy how things are going. I'm excited for the future, and I'm so very ready to grow up (and for the boyfriend to propose!). But, we'll see how things turn out.

I'll go ahead and forewarn you guys that I will probably be doing very few posts until the end of the semester. I'm constantly writing, but nothing is ever getting finished, because I start another project. But, thanks for sticking with my minimal posting, and for liking my work.

Until the next story!

Tips and Tricks and Words from the Wise

Well, I guess you can say it's been a crazy year. Amidst all of the pandemic frenzy, I've still had research to do and papers to pub...