Kougami x Reader: What's on Your Mind?

“Tch.” You leaned back in your chair, closed your eyes, and let out a stressful sigh. Something wasn't adding up. Why did the bitmapped picture Sasayama took look identical to the man you had in a side project you were working on? Was the one known as Shougo Makishima the culprit of both cases? How has he kept himself so well hidden with nothing but a name and a face that could be nothing more than a pseudonym and a mask?

You reopened your eyes to the dark ceiling and slight movements in your peripheral vision. This stupid side project kept haunting you and distracting you from your task at hand. You returned to the case you were assigned to, and pushed Makishima out of your mind for the time being. Later on when you returned to your living space, you would could go further in depth into this man.

The face of your watch read 21:03. You began closing up all of the files to the Talisman case on your computer and organizing the few stacks of papers on your desk. You stood up and stretched your arms out in relief to finally be finishing up for the evening. You walked towards the door, turned and headed down the hallway to the elevators, but the picture that you had of that man kept returning to your thoughts. You paged Karanomori on your watch. It rang a few times, but she picked up in no time; the same insouciant but compassionate voice that you knew appeared with a playful chime.

“Hey, baby, thought you’d never call me. What’cha want from me? If you’re looking for anything more than a helping hand, I’d suggest you get here sooner than later ‘cause everyone’s ‘sposed to show up in a few with evidence from the crime scene.”

You let a slight chuckle slip across your lips. “You flatter me, Karanomori. I’m not actually looking for anything but a simple head’s up of a file transfer coming your way. I’m going to head back to my place for the night—I gotta clear my mind.”

“Well, damn, sweetheart, you know I can clear your mind up anytime. But, no problem. Send all the files you have. Apparently Kougami and Inspector Tsunemori have some pretty good evidence themselves. Well, take care of yourself and have a good night.”

After you ended the call, you immediately transferred the files that you found on Talisman, Spooky Boogie, and Melancholia and what they all had in common with one another. You headed back to your living space to work on finding out who this mystery man Makishima really was.

A simple glance at the clock on your wall —03:48. 

Your skin began to prickle and you knew your blood was beginning to boil. You were so tense—your frustration so pent up that you couldn’t bear it anymore. Your constant scrolling through files and searching through books and nothing was matching up.

“Agh! God damn it!” you yelled, purposefully knocking pile upon pile of papers onto the floor. “Fuck! This is insanity, I can’t fucking take it anymore!”

All of this work, all of this nonstop searching and measuring and looking and reading, and not a single goddamn match on this person named Makishima—this face titled “Makishima.” You couldn’t stand this anymore! This fucking disaster that you’ve caused yourself—this case, this incredulous rescue case that you’d taken upon yourself. You’re insane! The whole damn reason you became an enforcer in the first place…Gah!

Your body shot up from the chair, and you felt you fist punch through the drywall quicker than your mind had a thought to process that it was the wrong thing to do. You felt sweat beading up on your temples and on the back of your neck. You felt the eyes of society bearing down on you for punching a hole in a single wall in a single facility in this never-ending city…

You heard a faint knock through the wall that your fist still resided in followed by a familiar voice. “What the hell are you doing over there?”

You pulled your crumpled arm out of the wall and let the sheets of drywall fall to the paper-scattered floor. Ah, you forgot that living next to Kougami had its benefits. He had a punching bag to let a bit of stress out on. Maybe he wouldn’t mind letting you take a few hits out on that old thing?

“Hey, sorry about that, Kou,” you replied. “Mind if I stop in for a quick second?”

He responded with two knocks on the thin wall where your fist had a run-in with, which was short for “yes.” You took that as a “Yes, you can come over,” rather than a “Yes I mind,” and made your way around to the front door.

You knocked on the door, which was promptly opened. He looked down at your hand to see its rather red appearance. He was still fully dressed, and smelled of freshly lit cigarette. They must have just returned from terminating the man pulling strings behind the Talisman case.

“If I had to guess, I’d say you went and punched a hole through your wall,” he started as he turned and showed you in, “and you’re going to have to explain to the Chief what you did and why you deserve to get it patched up. Also, you’re here to borrow some sweats and my punching bag to let off a little steam and make up for creating such a huge mess.”
“Your deduction is correct, Kougami, as always,” you responded icily. “You’re just as good of a detective as ever. However, I’m fine in my own clothes, thank you.”

He picked up his carton of cigarettes and tossed you one. He lit his and held the lit flame out to you, which you looked at for a second with a hesitant eye. You took a breath and dipped your cigarette into the flame and breathed in the chemical-filled air. You hated smoking before and after any kind of work-out, but Makishima’s face taunted you as it danced in the flames that Kougami had held out in front of you. He flashed a half-smile to you and took a puff as you turned to the workout room.

You looked down at the shirt you were wearing. It was a button-up cardigan and probably should not be put through the amount of damage you were about to let it see. You glanced over your shoulder to see where he was and took another puff of your cigarette. He had apparently wandered off to another room and was now nowhere in sight. You unbuttoned the cardigan and tossed it aside, took one last hit, put out the cigarette, and immediately roundhouse-kicked the sandbag until the chain supporting it rattled. You started going at it.

The clock read 04:33. But you weren’t watching the clock. You were watching Makishima’s face get torn apart by your punches and kicks and sheer hatred. You couldn’t shake this fixation, and you couldn’t put your finger on it. Something had you rattled, but this heavy bag was making you feel a bit better. His voice interrupted your train of thought. 

“I think you should turn your mind to something else.”

You took one last swing and hugged the bag till it swung to a stop. You were panting when you whipped around to find Kougami two meters away pulling his shirt from over his head. You leaned your back against the bag and grabbed the base, although it provided no support—each short breath you took left a trail of sweat dripping down the polyvinyl. Even though you had seen him many times without something hiding his perfectly chiseled abs, your adrenaline had your blood and hormones pumping; your breathing was shorter than it already was. After such malice towards a bag of sand hanging on chains, Kougami looked too irresistible. You could feel each of your individual heartbeats inside of your chest as he stood there, watching you watch him. You were at the point where you wanted him to throw himself at you.

“Put my mind on something else?” you panted dumbly, pushing away from the bag.

He took three steps closer to you. A smirk crept onto his lips. “Each time you took a swing at that bag, one of your breasts crept out of your bra. Every time you kicked the bag, I saw the force of the bag impact each of your curves. Every time you let an audible grunt slip out, I got that much more turned on. You didn’t even seem to notice me watching you from afar. What can I say? I’m a man, _____.”

By now, he was centimeters away from you. You could feel your own warm breath reverberating between your face and his; you felt a sweat bead trickle down onto your lips. He leaned closer to you and paused deliberately before licking it off with a resolute smile planted on his face. Your heartbeat, as quick as it was already beating, increased drastically. You clenched your thighs together and knew it couldn’t just be sweat between your legs.

“What are you so worked up over in the first place, _____?” he asked cautiously, cupping his hand around your chin and pulling your face up to his. He slid his other hand around the small of your back, gliding it across your glistening, well-toned skin, and pulled you back from the punching bag that you were so dearly attached to. He then traced the rim of your leggings seductively, made a stroke of pleasure shoot up your spine, then slipped his hand beneath your leggings. 

He gave your right butt cheek a firm squeeze and your throat wanted to return a satisfying round of applause, but instead you inhaled sharply and wavered a moment in front of his lips before responding with a simple, “I have my own secrets to keep, you know, Kougami.” You bit your lip.

“You’re taunting me, aren’t you?” he purred with a grin. He paused. “Depending on how good this sex is, will you tell me what’s keeping you?”

Your eyes dropped for a second, not wanting him to be thinking of such a thing at such a time. You just wanted a good time right now was all, so if you consented to his agreement, he would just shut up and get to it. “Fine. But I’m the judge of how good the sex is, understo—“

Before you could finish your demands, his lips were on yours. You didn’t object in the slightest, and you willingly opened yourself, letting every nerve from tip to toe fill with sensational shivers. You felt his warm tongue roll over yours; his burly biceps wrapped around your legs and had your crotch against his solid lower abdomen in one fluid and brisk movement. He carried you over to the couch a few meters away and tossed you against the cushions so that you sat upright; it didn’t last for too long.

He crouched down and pulled your legs from beneath you; not a second after, your leggings came off as well. Your eyes followed his, and trying to keep yourself more rational and composed, your breathing slowed to a more moderate pace. Without breaking your eye contact, he kissed your knee gingerly, then began trailing up your inner thigh, causing you to toss your head back in pleasure before letting out a slight sigh of pleasure. When he reached your lips, he spread them with haste, and you opened your legs wider for him get a better range of motion.

You felt his tongue glide over your skin, already wet from his extraordinarily sexy movements, and push it into you, graciously blessing your opening with not only a newfound saturation, but with an immense rush of pleasure. He grabbed forcefully either of side of your hips and buried his tongue inside of you; he began nodding his head back and forth. He made sure to let his teeth gently catch on your clitoris every once in a while to ensure you let out an audible noise, to which you responded accordingly. 

You ran your hands up and down your bare torso, then pulled off the dingy old bra you still had on from earlier, only to stop and squeeze your damp breasts, letting your fingernails whisk over your hardening nipples, closing your eyes to the rhythmic motions Kougami moved to—until he nipped at your clitoris again. You let out a surprised moan as he moved his moved his hands from either side of you up to your freed girls. You looked down at his half-grinning face approaching your navel, then your collarbone, then your neck, each time with a kiss and a suck of the skin. You felt his sweats fall from his waist to the floor, but as soon as you had the nerve to look down, you felt yourself being filled indulgently—you felt his tip hit your furthest wall almost as soon as he inserted himself and once again, you let your head fall back onto the couch. You felt an incredible sensation of ecstasy course through your blood that was boiling only minutes ago. 

From the back of his throat you heard a deep growl of pleasure. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you up slightly; he then began thrusting himself inside of you faster now, and you could tell how big this man really was from how hard it plunged against your innermost wall.

God, the amount of stress you were under heightened every one of your senses. You could feel his whole length diving into you; you could feel the very tip of him shoving into your cap—his perspiration beading up on his back; his cigarette-coated breath…

You grabbed his back and dragged your fingernails down the length of it, sure to leave visible scratches. He continued to pound himself into you, but you felt him beginning to get monotonous. You let a grin sneak past your lips and decided to turn the tables yourself. You locked your arms around the back of his neck, grabbing onto a tuft of some of his thick dark hair to get his attention more properly, and swung your legs up and around his hips and let them reside on his waist.

He looked up at you. “I see what you’re up to, _____” he said breathlessly, leaning down to bite your lip sexily. He slowed briefly and grabbed you like he did earlier and pulled you up to his waist, not letting you break away. He picked you up fully so that you sat upright on his hips, and shoved you against the wall next to the couch. You readjusted your legs to better fit the position, and he leaned in to bite on your ear and move down to the small of your neck. You felt his tip hit your wall once more, but it was different this time—so much more satisfying than the first time. You let out a meek moan as he began to start up again.

Ugh, the way he hit your walls felt unbelievable—you couldn’t keep yourself quiet. You grabbed onto a handful of his hair and forced his head back, resulting in him letting out a throaty moan of gusto.

“Mm, when you do that,” he said in between breaths, “you know I’ll come quicker.”

“Oh, just come on me, Kougami,” you whispered almost too desperately—it just felt too good.

He let out a quick chuckle, and you noticed a devilish glint in his eye. His grip on your hips loosened and he pulled himself out of you quickly, letting you slide gently down to the floor. It was only now that you could marvel at his full size, and it was quite the sight to behold. He began to finish himself off when all of a sudden, he came quicker than anticipated. You let the warm liquid stream over your cheeks, breasts, collarbone, hands, and in your mouth as you both let out a requited cry of satisfaction.

The two of you only stayed there momentarily before he tossed an old cloth he had sitting on the table next to him to you. “Here,” Kou said, winded. He ran his fingers through his hair and walked slowly over to the counter to grab his carton of cigarettes and his lighter. “Clean that stuff up and then we can talk.”

Breathing heavily once again, you licked your finger. It tasted rather watery, which you supposed wasn’t a bad thing. You licked it off of another one of your fingers as Kougami walked up with the cigarettes. You looked up.

“C’mon now, that’s hot. Don’t go turning me on again, _____.”

With a half-smile, you grabbed the towel and cleaned yourself up and stood upright, feeling how Kougami’s size impacted you—and how it will impact you tomorrow. He handed you a cigarette and the lighter, and you didn’t hesitate to light up. He headed over to the couch, and you followed willingly. 

“Alright,” he started. “I won’t ask you how the sex was, because that’s a rather pathetic question. But, I’m here to talk, and I want to know what’s eating at you. So tell me what’s got you.”

You looked at the clock. It read 05:02. It was a good thing neither of you had the morning shift. 

You sighed. “Alright, Kou. Tell me what you know about Shougo Makishima.”

1 comment:

  1. So cool!! I liked the story so much! Thank you for writing it <3


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