L x Reader: You Know What You Like

“There has to be something else that we’re overlooking, Goddamnit!”

“Just give it up for the night, Light!”

“Light, let it go for the night.”

“Light,” L said calmly, “I think it’s time to call it a night. We can double check things in the morning.”

Light stopped and looked at L. “That’s not like you to say, Ryuzaki. I know you would want to get to the bottom of this more than anyone.”

L looked down at the cake he was nibbling at and plucked the strawberry off the top of it. After thoroughly inspecting it, he popped it in his mouth and looked up at Light, whose eyes were burning with frustration. He looked back with apathy written all over his face.

“I haven’t slept in three days; I’m having a hard time focusing.”

Light sighed angrily and stood up straight. He looked at Aizawa, Mogi, and his father. Their eyes drooped with sleep deprivation and yearned for a break to rest. Matsuda, Ukita, and Ide all sat on the couch, nodding off inattentively. He didn’t want to face the facts: there was no way that the investigation was going any further tonight.

“Light, let’s go to bed,” Misa whispered, walking up behind him and grabbing his arm. Fighting the urge to shake her off, he glanced once more to L.

You walked up behind L and placed a hand on the chair he sat awkwardly in. “Light, we’re going to all get some rest. Watari can leave the computers on for you if you feel the need to continue the Kira search.”

He nodded slightly, then ended up shaking his head. “You’re right.”

L finished his cake and arose from the chair. “Alright, then. You all can either stay here at the hotel, or you can go home to your families, I don’t really care.”

The consensus from most of them was to go home, but Light and Misa were already heading up the stairs to their room. L looked at you and awaited your response.

“Oh, um…I can stay here, if you prefer.”

“I told you that it was your decision. I’m not pressuring you to stay here, however there are a lot of comfortable rooms here, and it’s raining outside,” he said indifferently, not taking his eyes off of you.

You hesitated. It was hard for you to sleep without your personal belongings, but he was right: it was pouring outside and you didn’t want to take the train home, only to come straight back in five hours. He kept his eyes on you until you nodded hesitantly.

“Alright, sounds good. Light, Misa, and I are all staying in rooms on the twelfth floor. I’m in 2A, and Light and Misa are in 3B.” He turned back to the computer to shut the systems off. “Watari, shut the computers down for now.”

You turned and headed up to room 4A, adjacent from Light and Misa’s, next to Ryuzaki’s.

You grazed the towel through your wet hair, trying to absorb as much moisture as you could from it. After shaking your hair dry, you flipped it up and pushed it back, opening the door with your free hand, water droplets still clinging onto your bare skin.

When you opened the door into the dimly lit room, you saw him crouching awkwardly on the couch with wide, unblinking eyes. He saw you standing as dumbfounded as he was; as unmoving as he was.

"What are you doing in my room, Ryuzaki?" you asked intensively. It meant nothing to you to hide your naked body now that he'd already seen every inch of your skin, but society would deem it unacceptable to walk around nude in front of a man you barely knew. You walked over to the dresser not but a few meters away and pulled out the same clothes that you wore today. Taking your time to dress yourself, you felt Ryuzaki’s presence creep up on you.

"Let me guess..."

"I--I've never...." he mumbled, inching closer to you.

“You’ve never seen a naked woman before, have you?” you asked indifferently, not even bothering to turn around.

As you lifted your shirt over your head, you felt his icy hands run up along your sides. You winced, and whipped around. He stared at your breasts with large, unblinking eyes.

“Hey! Ryuzaki!" Gooseflesh ran over your skin. "My eyes are up here,” you said stiffly, cupping your hand around his chin, and yanking it up to your face. His eyes snapped up to yours, but not a second later did you feel a hand cup your left breast.

“Why did you come to my room, Ryuzaki?” you said, letting go of his face and lowering your arms to your sides.

“I think I overlooked something today during the investigation, so I came to you wondering if you knew what I was missing.”

“No, I can’t help you,” you responded, removing his hand and walking over to the bed while pulling your shirt back over you. You sat down at the foot of the bed cautiously, for L had followed you over to where you were. Now towering above you, he stared down at your chest, noticing the difference from when you wore a bra to when you didn’t.

“Why not?”


He blinked and shifted his stare to your eyes as soon as you looked down at the top of his pants. Noticing your sudden interest in obscured objects, he clasped his hands in front of his pants, making you look back up at his face.

“You’re being difficult.”

“You’re the one who’s not accepting my decision to not assist you,” you answered flatly, crossing your arms over your chest to assure that his eyes wouldn’t wander anymore. He watched you carefully for another moment, trying to predict what you were thinking. The fact that you looked down just a second ago threw him off completely…

What if you wanted him to do something to you? What if you secretly wanted to rip off his clothes? What if you were being tentative and shrouding your feelings for him? Or what if you just wanted him to leave you alone? Your stolid demeanor perplexed him—yes, even L could be confounded by a mere woman’s emotions.

He shifted his weight from one foot to another, keeping his hands in front of him like you had never seen an erection before. After he broke eye contact, you sensed him starting to get nervous and accidentally let a smirk creep around the corner of your lips. As if what he was looking for immediately presented itself to him, he looked back down at you began to relax again.

“Do you want me?” he asked timidly, still sensing doubt. After watching your slight smirk grow into a wide smile, he quickly added, “I can’t figure out why you’re being so ambiguous.”

You giggled and uncrossed your arms. Why not have some fun tonight? Just because it’s raining and you’re stuck inside of a hotel room with cameras watching your every movement doesn’t mean you can’t pass up an attractive man asking you if you “wanted him.”

“So, if I ‘want’ you,” you said slyly, scooting closer to the foot of the bed, “what would you do to me?”

You noticed a light pink blush fall over his face, and he began hesitantly looking around the room again. When you saw his hands clamp tighter together, you carefully reached out to loosen them, making sure that he didn’t jump at your touch. Despite your leery delay, he slightly cringed and focused his eyes back on yours.

He watched you carefully undo his fingers from each other and responded with, “I’ve never…”

“No, no, I’m aware,” you said, smiling shrewdly. You arose from the foot of the bed, running your fingers up his slender torso. “But let’s just be hypothetical here. What if I want you to fuck me?”

You heard his heart beat faster with every word, and eventually he whispered under his breath, “I’d fuck you.”

He fixed his eyes on yours; a moment passed with not a single movement. Your heartbeats accelerated; your breathing slowed. His lips were on yours; an icy chill shot up your spine. You hadn't even realized that he had made the first move.

As soon as you’d noticed his domineering move, he had forcefully thrown you back on to the bed. A rush of adrenaline flew through every nerve in your body; you were so stunned by his actions, that all you could do was stare up at him with widening eyes. He pulled his thin white shirt over his head and tossed it to the floor. Your curious eyes traced every inch of his never before seen body. You were too preoccupied about his now exposed skin, that you didn’t notice him climbing on top of you, pulling your hands above your head, and pinning them in place.

“I thought you said that you had never done this,” you gasped through your teeth.

“I haven’t,” he said impartially. “That doesn’t mean that I don’t know what I like.”

With his free hand, he pulled your shirt up to reveal your bare breasts. He traced your nipples with his index finger, and eyed their reaction uncertainly. You bit your lip and watched his unchanging expression. He dragged his fingers down to the top of your pants, and marveled at how quickly you got goosebumps from his touch. He quietly tugged on the thin fabric, and you decided whether or not you should help him take them off.

Almost as if he heard your thoughts, he clenched the hand holding yours above your head, and yanked them off swiftly with the other. He stared at what he had just disclosed before running his finger along your lips, parting them slightly to stick his fingers in between. You winced at how cold his fingers were, but kept your composure.

Less than a second had passed and his fingers were already inside of you, feeling your rigid walls, and searching for that one spot that you so longed to be touched. You inhaled sharply at how violently he pushed them in and out, in and out…but the feeling was sensational. He had to know what he was doing; there was no way he didn’t know anything about the anatomy of the female body. It felt too good for someone who had never even seen a naked woman before to do.

“Stop overthinking what I’m doing to you,” he said, still meticulously watching what he was doing with his hand. You let out your breath, and closed your eyes. You let the pleasure sink in, and the ecstasy take control of your body.

When you opened your eyes, he had taken his fingers out of you and let his pants fall off his hips, all while still pinning your hands to the bed (you were amazed at how he could do all of this with one hand). Once more, he spread your lips, but this time to thrust himself inside of you. As he let himself fall on top of you, you could feel him slam into you as far as it would go. Your toes curled while you let an accidental moan escape your throat. His weight on top of you lightened, and he lifted your legs up and pushed them apart; this position accentuated the pleasure you could feel rushing through your body.

He then noticed you clenching on to the sheets beneath you, and began to slow down. “Am I hurting you?”

You looked up at him, noticing his concerned expression. He…was concerned about you? How calming.

“Hmph, not in the slightest,” you panted, letting a slight chuckle slip past you. “You really don’t know how to play this game, do you?”

He sped up his thrusts, obviously agitated at your inconclusive assumption. Then, as soon as you’d gotten used to his rhythm, he stopped abruptly, pulled out, and flipped you over so swiftly, you were left baffled as to how he just pulled that off. Your ass was now flying high up in the air, and you could feel his cold hands caressing it, but again, as you began to accustom yourself with his motions, he quickly found your entrance, and shoved himself back inside. You let out a bitter moan, not expecting him in the slightest to be so abrupt with his actions. You smothered your face in the sheets, and let him continue to pound into you.

So rough…so forceful…you loved it. Every move he made, it sent continuous shivers up your spine. But, you heard a low growl in his throat, and knew he was at his max. You shifted, and made him fall out of you, only to turn around and look up at him, ready for him to finish on you. Confused, he let you take over, and do the rest of the work for him. Not too soon after, you felt the warm liquid rush down your throat, and swallowed accordingly.

As soon as you let go of his member, he fell on top of you, knocking you back on to the bed. He supported himself with his forearms, and gazed into your eyes, perspiration making his hair cling to his temples. You returned his wide-eyed stare, and reached your hand up to thumb his cheek, still moist with sweat.

“You obviously know what you like,” you whispered under your breath.

“I do; I’m glad you can see that.”

You removed your hand, and let it rest on your chest. You then looked around the room at all of the cameras that had captured your marvelous scene. “At least everyone can replay this,” you muttered.

L turned and fell over beside you on the bed, looking up at the cameras with you. “I turned them off before I came up here.”

You tensed, but you relaxed just as suddenly, letting out a small giggle. How could you be mad? He’s smooth, you’ve gotta give him that.


Tips and Tricks and Words from the Wise

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