Saturday, July 11, 2020

Tips and Tricks and Words from the Wise

Well, I guess you can say it's been a crazy year. Amidst all of the pandemic frenzy, I've still had research to do and papers to publish. ;-P I'm still alive, but just barely holding onto my sanity. I like to think there are people who sometimes frequent this blog and read some of the raunchy stories I have to offer. 

If you're like me and you can't seem to find the perfect fanfic lemon (do we call these lemons anymore? Boy, I'm getting old...) and you tend to write your own, I wanted to share some common tropes found in the literature that often turn a reader off. I found some others on Reddit who shared similar opinions, so I'll combine what I see and what they see in current smut.
  • Ray Bradbury and Stephen King taught me that you can never be too descriptive. Describe the surroundings, and emotions of the characters (if omniscient). However since we write fanfiction rather than fiction, the readers know what the characters look like and don't need detailed descriptions of the characters, especially if they customarily wear the same outfit in the original storyline.
  • When describing a sex scene, again, be as descriptive as possible. Don't use stale and unoriginal words — spice it up! Be liberal with your adjectives and synonyms, and paint a really vivid picture with them. Some examples:
    • Instead of "they/you grabbed his thick cock," try: "they/you flitted their fingers across his length, finally grasping him with adamant tenacity."
    • Instead of "they/you rubbed their/your clit," try: "their/your thumb pressed lightly on your hood and traced circles around it, gradually increasing pressure."
    • Instead of "her eyes glinted like bright blue orbs," try: "her eyes were a deep cerulean, full of an enigma they/you had yet to understand."
    • Instead of "she moaned," try: "she couldn't audibly suppress her pleasure any longer."
    • Instead of "he moaned," try: "he let out a throaty growl and gripped her tighter."
    • Instead of "they/you approached their/your climax," try: "they/you felt their/your body tighten — a rush of adrenaline made them arch their/your back in ecstasy as they/you filled their/your partner."
  • Portray your characters as you think they ought to be in the original story. If a character is naturally goofy, they probably wouldn't be the dom in your story. If a character is naturally cunning and sly, use that to your advantage when deciding what they will be doing (also, they'd probably not be a sub).
    • As a sidenote on this, story planning is actually a real thing 😅 (as much as I hate to admit it). Figure out who will be doing what, to whom, where, and for how long before you start writing. Please believe me, it will save you so much time and heartbreak. This is why I have so many stories unpublished here, lol.
  • Always read through your story before you let others! If something doesn't make sense, or a position that you made someone be in doesn't add up to you, then it probably won't make sense to others. I have a bad habit of failing to do this. :-P
  • Another fault of mine is the overuse of clichéd facial expressions. Most people are also turned-off by characters who constantly "smirk" or "smile deviously." Perhaps all of the characters I write about may naturally do this in the original storyline? Eh, I dunno. Something to work on on my part. Apparently other writers find this as a turn-off. *eye roll*
Anyway, I hope these tips help the up-and-coming novice smut writers! I know I struggled when I was young, and I wish someone told me what to do and what not to do, hahaha. Until my next story (it'll be from the Dragon Prince on Netflix...if you haven't checked out the show yet, it's actually really goofy and really endearing with some very attractive characters ;-P)!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Revising Last Story to Make Sinbad x Reader [F]

I knew I could do it! I knew I could write similar stories from different perspectives. rewriting this story, I'm noticing that it's very hard to put a woman into the same situation that a male may be put into. For example:

          "Atop the set of thirty steps stood two unwelcoming men wielding spears with each iron head pointed directly at you. 
          'Stop, stranger!' one man called out. 
          'State your business,' the other finished."

I felt had to be changed to

          "Atop the set of thirty steps stood two unwelcoming men wielding spears. Their heads angled downward at your approaching figure, but they remained calm as you reached the summit of the palace. 
          'State your business,' one guard piped up, repositioning his spear."

Would someone really point a weapon at a defenseless woman? I dunno...certainly not in the time period the anime/manga is set, but what about in our current time period? Just some food for thought.

Anyway, the lady version of the story will be posted soonish. Yay!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Feeling Gay Today ~

What a hiatus, ha-ha. I've literally started five stories in the past year and stopped working on them mid-way through because I lost all of my creative juices and gave up. Anyway, I've been lurking here and there, checking in occasionally to try to find that spark, and I think I've finally worked up enough creativity to finish at least two of the five stories.

The story (from Magi Labyrinth of Magic or Kingdom of Magic) I'll be posting [hopefully] tonight is something I've never attempted! Nice and gay, but from a man's perspective. Never attempted for obvious reasons...I still don't know how a penis works. But, I'm giving it an honest try.

For anyone interested in male x male smut, WATCH OUT! This one's a doozy (I sincerely hope). For anyone NOT interested...well, I respect your decision to not read, but you're missing out.

Update: here it is. YAY!

Monday, March 27, 2017


Woah what new layout(ish)? That came out of nowhere. A notification popped up on my dash and told me that it was probably time to change it, so I thought, "Hey, why not?" :-P

Lemme know what you think...I'm not a fan of the color blue, but it's a happy color, so enjoy!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Amaimon x Reader yay!

Another story, hooray! Not too too proud of it, but, hey, another story. I guess I'll throw in an author's note: This was super hard to do with two strangers because I have a thing with sexual consent…I toiled over how this was going to turn out for like, a week. So my apologies for the super late upload!

Anyway, enjoy your day.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Kougami x Reader Completed!

You heard right! Finally finished that story I told you I'd upload yesterday...I just didn't get around to editing it until this morning, that's all. But, First story in a few months, so we're back in business!

Also, I'm thinking about changing up the layout of the blog a bit..? Not quite sure...But, I've got some real world work to get done today, so it may be saved for another time.

Until next time!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

New Story Tomorrow

Hello, hello! New story coming out tomorrow...what anime might you ask? Why, from my favorite anime, of course. Psycho Pass! I think I'll do a few characters from this anime just 'cause (he-he, I say that). I don't have too much free time, but I'm feeling rather motivated right now, so here I am. Voilà!

Also, I think I will try something a bit different. :-0 I'm all for trying new things, so hey, why not? I'll go ahead and post a little "facts sheet" about me (?? whatever they are) now that I'm thinking about it and see if anyone else is similar/dissimilar to me.

Anyway, until next time...!

Tips and Tricks and Words from the Wise

Well, I guess you can say it's been a crazy year. Amidst all of the pandemic frenzy, I've still had research to do and papers to pub...